There is a stirring among many Anglicans who are seeking to work together with other faithful Anglicans of many jurisdictions. On Sunday March 2nd 2008, over 460 Anglicans gathered from BC and Washington to express our John 17 unity in Christ for the sake of Mission. We give thanks for the forty-four clergy, including six bishops and one archbishop who were part of this celebration.
Kenya Bishop Bill Murdoch, New England Network Dean, preached on the relevance of John
17 in bringing healing to our fragmented Anglican witness. There was a powerful time of repentance that God released among His people that night.

On Monday March 3rd, the Anglican clergy and key lay leaders gathered to work further on how we might strengthen our ‘Common Cause’ commitment. The Rev. William Beasley, Midwest AMiA Network leader, commented: “we as clergy cannot hold anything against each other, or we will hurt the laity.” There was an encouragement to move from the language of ‘they and us’ to ‘we’.
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