Revs Gabe Garcia of San Diego and William Beasley of Chicago
Catching Fish for the Olympics

Gabe+ and William+ with Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh, Leader of the Hope Vancouver Network

The Revs Ed Hird, Gabe Garcia, Fabian Palombo and the Rev Silas Ng of Richmond Emmanuel, Network Leader for the Asian Initiative in the Anglican Mission in the Americas

The Revs Gabe Garcia and William Beasley at the 300-strong Leadership Connect Dinner with Diplomats and Church Leaders (Metrotown Hilton)

Leaders of the Interdenominational Celebration Service on Sunday March 22nd 2009
(Pastor Ed Goerzen of the Surrey Pastors Network and Hope Vancouver, The Rev Canon Barclay Mayo, National ACiC Network Leader, Rev Gabe Garcia, Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh of Hope Vancouver, Rev William Beasley, and Pastor George Johnson of VPPF/Vancouver City of Destiny)

A second leadership picture, showing the great unity among the four sponsoring bodies: Hope Vancouver Network, Anglican Coalition in Canada, Vancouver Pastors Prayer Fellowship/Vancouver City of Destiny, and the North Shore Pastors Prayer Fellowship

Pastor Owen Scott on right, Co-Chair of the North Shore Pastors Prayer Fellowship which also co-sponsored the Interdenominational Celebration Service

The Rev Dr John (and Holly) Roddam, Rector of St Luke's Seattle and key Anglican/Interdenominational networkers in Washington and BC

Dr. George Johnson, Senior Pastor of the host congregation Harvest City Church and a key leader in the Vancouver Pastors Prayer Fellowship/Vancouver City of Destiny

Anglicans worshipping together at Interdenominational Celebration from St. Simon's North Vancouver (ACiC, All Saints Community Church (ACiC) and the new church plant St. Andrew's Delta (ANiC)

Janet Zehr of Church of Zion and Archdeacon Trevor Walters of St Matthew's Abbotsford (ANiC)

The Rev Peter Klenner, Rector of the one-year old ACiC Church Plant All Saints Community Church in White Rock

The Rev Canon Barclay Mayo and Pastor George Johnson co-MCing the Interdenominational Celebration Service

The Rev Gabe Garcia of San Diego preparing to share the Word of God

Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh of Hope Vancouver and Pastor George Johnson of Vancouver City of Destiny focusing on preparing for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics

Pastor Kevin Cavanaugh joyfully sharing the Vision 2010 message on how to prepare in unity for the Olympics

Worshipping One Lord with One Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ

Young people seeking God's Face

Worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truth

Pastors Standing Together in Unity for the Sake of the Lost

Pastors blessing the fishers of men and women
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